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Bathroom for Children and Adults

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Separate children’s bathroom can be an expensive utility for many families. And it’s worth to discuss this topic and try to take into account the interests of the kids when renovating a bathroom. Children need to know the functions of household appliances and be able to use them correctly during hygienic procedures.

How to Arrange Bathroom for Children and Adults

Bathroom for kids and adults

Bathroom for kids and adults

In typical apartments it is almost impossible to have a private bathroom for children. In this case, you need a thorough design and zoning of the existing bathroom.

You need to adapt a bathroom for children. For example, install a faucet for bath and shower with a temperature limiter for safety purposes. This measure will prevent hot water burns. A contactless mixer with preset water temperature can be installed on the sink.

Lay tile or relief linoleum on the floor to avoid slipping. Mats made ​​of rubber or plastic should be laid in the bath or shower tray. Set an additional handrail on the wall near the bath at the appropriate level for kid’s comfort.

Choose furniture and equipment for bathroom without sharp corners. Exclude the presence of electrical outlets, piercing and cutting items, cosmetics in glass containers. Place a shelving with low shelves for towels. If possible, install an additional child toilet or toilet transformer, which transforms from the standard to the children’s one.

Bathroom for kids and adults

Bathroom for kids and adults

Water treatments are not only enjoyable, but also very funny and amusing, if the space is equipped with funny childish holders, dispensers, and hooks.

Maybe the bathroom is not the ideal place for games, but it should be a continuation of the playing space for the child. It should be interesting and informative. All children swim with toys. Get a special basket that will store bath toys.

The door must be equipped with a lock that opens to both the inner and the outer sides. If the child will be locked, he will need your help. All cosmetics have to be in plastic containers.

There is no need to tell you about finishing materials for children. In any hardware store you can easily find a lot of “children” collections of tiles, washable wallpaper, panels, etc. You will only have to determine the choice of colors.

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Alicia Kim

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