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How To Organize Closet

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Organization saves up space and allows keep things and clutter under control. Closet organization requires planning and sorting. Sorting out the clothes to eliminate items you don’t wear or worn things can save much space in the closet. Choose your favorite clothes and recycle the rest – donate to charity or take it to thrift store. This a first step in organizing the closet.

How To Organize Closet

Arrange Clothes

Arrange clothes to each zone of the closet. Some things require hangers, others can be stored in drawers and shelves. Some closets have great system of drawers, shelves, and other storage units for different type of clothes. Carefully choose where to store what and arrange and fold clothes carefully to prevent mess and clutter.

Divide by Type

To make it easier to arrange clothes you can divide it by type. Blouses, pants, skirts, shirts, etc. Store these separately or by color. Also divide clothes by season and have a special department for seasonal clothes. Thus the summer and winter clothes won’t end up hanging together.

Footwear & Accessories

There is a number of ways to store footwear and accessories. There are plastic hanging containers for shoes, shoe racks, shelves and racks for accessories. The latter can also be stored in storage boxes, cases, and jewelery boxes.

Manage Space

Managing space in the closet can help avoid clutter and mess. If there are no shelves for boxes and containers you may want to consider to add them. If the shelves aren’t enough storage boxes and baskets can be of help to store such things as accessories, socks and other stuff.

Practice Organization

Practice closet organization once a week to keep things neat and folded. Sort for things that go to laundry and put all clothes in its place. Spotted a worn out or a brand new item you never wore? Throw it into recycle box.

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Mona Liz

I am an interior design and fashion enthusiast with a passion for writing, gathering up interesting/alternative home design ideas. I love lofts, canopy beds, fluffy throws and rugs, but also cats, food, and video games.
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